2015 Lonestar Roundup Weekend
Sherry, Dale, Carrie & Will
If these brushes could talk...
Pin Stripe!!!
Some matching shoes for Mrs. Carrie complements of Mr. West...
BBQ time!!!
My cuz Dave came out with Raul and surprised me... was really happy to see hims, thanks Raul!!!
New and old friends..
Top Row: Leo, Jose, Mike, Richard, Elia, Sherry, Dale, Mike, Kevin, Dick
Bottom Row: Mike, Dave, Raul, Jerry, Decker, Dan, Dave, Carrie, Will, Jeff, Joe, Joey
Love the simplicity of the 32 frame... we took it apart and stowed it in in 15 minutes!!!
Dave H, Dale & Mrs Sherry...
Mike B from Gas Axe Garage.
Raul form Nite Owl Hot Rods...
Cousin Dave & Carrie...
Carrie & Elia...
Richard, Will & Dave H
Elia, Dale, Sherry & Joe
Show Time...
Brizio's came out from California...
Hilton Hot Rods...
Eric with his fresh roadster...
The Jewel!!!
Dave bought this for Carrie for the Hot Rod Hill Climb in CO this August!!!
Mike, Will, Kevin & Mike...
Will & Jeff...
Carrie loves her some mini bike racing... looks like she missed the bikes as they went round in this photo...
Mike picked up this 37 Ford from our buddy Randy..
Will, Randy, Reggie & Mike
Drove out to Oasis on Sunday then over to Mercury Charlies... We took the 5W...
Lee Pratt's 40 Ford and 55 Nomad...
Stephan from Sweden.... These Kat's travel to the US for car shows often. Some real deal Hot Rodders here!!!
Raul had some trouble Sunday afternoon but the bro's were there to help...
Mark you calendars & see you next year in Austin Texas!!!