Let me start by saying that dreams can come true if you have an end goal and you work toward that goal. This is a special blog I write as I have a cold brew with Carrie and look at photos that bring back some memories. As a kid, I fell in love with cars since riding shot gun with my dad in our 1946 Ford pickup. I remember like it was yesterday standing in the passager side, both hands on the dash (no seat belt), looking out over that BIG long fat hood.... I digress, sorry!!! As a kid, I loved to build models of cars, I wish I owned. I knew one day that '46 Ford would be mine, to do with it what I wanted, but I always had a dream to own a 1932 Ford Roadster. Now, most of you reading this know that I own a 1932 Ford 5-W coupe that I love!!! This blog is about a car that I ran across on-line one night in 2008 as I was surfing the web as we all do. I found the car while on the Rolling Bones web-site "for sale" and thought it was as so bad ass that I sent an email to ask what the price was... never got a response back, but had I, how could I possibly afford it!?! So the next best thing was to build a mobel of the car, so I could feel some sort of satisfaction, right!?! The below photos are a chronological order of what happened next, which I find hard to believe, even today as I go out into my garage every morning.
Ran accross the car in 2008 on-line...
Saw the car live at the first Lonestar Round-Up I attended in April 2009...
Built a model in the summer of 2010...
My model was featured in the 2011 Scale Auto annual contest cars...
Met the owner, Reggie of the roadster at the 2012 LSRU... asked him if it was for sale and he said NO!!!
Saw Reggie at the 2013 LSRU and asked again if it was for sale and he said NO!!!
Saw Reggie at the 2014 LSRU and asked him if it was for sale and he said NO!!! I gave him my business card and told him I lived in Austin and to give me a call if he changed his mind???
The Monday after the show I got an email... "holy shit" he wants to sell.....
And the rest is history my friends...
Today it is sitting in my garage... ENJOY!!